Objective: Increase
Water Supply To Meet Community and Environmental Needs
1. Prepare Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) with assistance from consultants, that evaluates a local desalination facility at the project level of detail, and alternatives at the program level of detail; California-American Water Company’s (Cal-Am) proposed Carmel River Dam and Reservoir Project, Cal-Am’s proposed Coastal Water Project (Moss Landing desalination project plus local ASR), and other project alternatives and components needed to meet a range of water production goals that reflect existing and future needs, by December 2003.
2. Prepare Final EIR based on public comments received on the Draft EIR, with assistance from consultants.
3. Continue pursuit of the District’s two Petitions for Change (for ASR and existing Carmel River Diversions) to permits from the State Water Resources Control Board.
Objective: Maintain
Mitigation Program
1. Prepare 2002-03 annual report for Mitigation Program by January 2004.
2. Complete design of large wood habitat structures at Garland Park (funded by a California Department of Fish and Game grant) by June 2004.
3. Provide regular technical assistance to Carmel River property owners for bank repairs and riparian habitat protection and enhancement.
4. Secure a multi-year U.S. Army Corps of Engineers permit for Carmel River restoration work by December 2003.
Continue process to secure long-term Memorandum of
Understanding with California Department of Fish and Game for river maintenance
Plan and design lower Carmel River erosion protection
and restoration projects by June 2004.
Expand revegetation and irrigation systems at existing
District restoration projects by June 2004.
Conduct annual soil, and avian (bird) monitoring to
document quality of Carmel River riparian habitat (e.g. riparian trees and
shrubs such a s cottonwood, willow, alder and sycamore.) Avian monitoring is conducted by a
Objective: Endangered
Species Act Compliance
1. Assure compliance with Endangered Species Act for District activities.
2. As a co-applicant, advise group preparing ESA Section 10 Habitat Conservation Plan for water diversions from Carmel River on a regular basis.
Objective: Complete Other
1. Assist in public information program on water issues and District actions.
2. Implement MPWMD Rules and Regulations and associated Implementation Guidelines for water distribution systems, including CEQA review and permit processing, with assistance from a consultant.
3. Comply with CEQA for District projects.
Participate in CEQA environmental review on
non-District projects that could affect water resources within the District.